临床儿科杂志 ›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (10): 965-.doi: 10.3969 j.issn.1000-3606.2014.10.018

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  1. 中山市博爱医院儿童保健科 ( 广东中山 528403)
  • 收稿日期:2014-10-15 出版日期:2014-10-15 发布日期:2014-10-15
  • 通讯作者: 高建慧 E-mail:657337427@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

The relationship between behavioral problems and family environment in preschool-age children 

GU Liping, CHEN Ang, DENG Cheng, HE Shuhua, CHEN Xin, YE Chunhong, LIAO Yan, FENG Huajun, YAN Xueqin, GAO Jianhui, SHI Yuqi   

  1. Children Health Care Department of Boai Hospital of Zhongshan, Zhongshan 528403, Guangdong, China
  • Received:2014-10-15 Published:2014-10-15 Online:2014-10-15

摘要: 目的 探讨学龄前儿童心理行为问题和家庭环境的关系。方法 随机选取中山市幼儿园4~6岁在读幼儿,使用Achenbach儿童行为评定量表评估儿童行为问题、用自编一般情况问卷和家庭环境量表中文版(FES-CV)评估家庭环境。结果 共调查3 445名儿童,行为问题检出率29.87%。正常组和行为异常组儿童家庭环境的情感表达、矛盾性、知识性、娱乐性、组织性、控制性差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001);其中正常组儿童家庭的情感表达、知识性、娱乐性、组织性和控制性得分更高,矛盾性较异常组得分更低。多因素Logistic回归结果提示,女性(OR=2.04),非城区人口(镇区OR=1.45、农村OR=1.51),非中山户籍(OR=1.39),父亲文化程度为中专(OR=1.77)、初中(OR=2.17)和小学及以下(OR=3.24),溺爱型(OR=1.47)和混合型(OR=1.37)家庭管教方式,家庭的矛盾性(OR=1.13),是儿童心理行为问题发生的危险因素(P均<0.05)。母亲年龄30岁以上(OR=0.74)或40岁以上(OR=0.46),家庭的情感表达(OR=0.94)和知识性(OR=0.87)均为儿童心理行为问题发生的保护因素(P均<0.05)。结论 学龄前儿童行为问题受家庭环境影响,对问题行为儿童的干预需重视家庭环境和功能的综合评估和干预。

Abstract:  Objective To study the relationship between behavioral problems and family environment in preschool-age children. Methods Children between 4-6 years of age in the kindergartens of Zhongshan city were randomly selected. Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) was used to assess the behavioral problems in children, and self-designed general situation questionnaire and Family Environment Scale-Chinese Version (FES-CV) were applied to evaluate the family environment. Results A total of 3445 children were enrolled and 29.87% children showed behavioral problems. There were significant differences in the scores of feeling expression, family conflict, intelligence, recreation, organization and control between children with and without behavior problems (P<0.001). The scores of feeling expression, intelligence, recreation, organization and control were significantly higher and the score of family conflict was lower in healthy children in comparison with children with behavior problems. Through multivariate logistic regression, it was suggested that female (OR=2.04), non-urban population (township OR=1.45, rural OR=1.51), non-local Zhongshan resident (OR=1.39), father’s low educational level (technical secondary school OR=1.77, junior high school OR=2.17, primary school and below OR=3.24), discipline styles (indulgent OR=1.47, mixed OR=1.37), family conflict (OR=1.13) were independent risk factors for behavioral problems (P<0.05). Mother’s age over 30 (OR=0.74) or over 40 (OR=0.46), feeling expression (OR=0.94) and intelligence (OR=0.87) were independent protective factors for behavioral problems (P<0.05). Conclusions Behavioral problems in preschool-age children are closely related to family environment, which needs to be paid more attention.