246 例支气管哮喘急性发作住院患儿呼吸道病原学及 临床特征分析
张瑶, 任洛, 高钰, 王鹂鹂, 李慧, 余漪漪, 罗征秀, 刘恩梅, 谢晓虹
Analysis of respiratory etiology and clinical features in 246 hospitalized children with acute asthma exacerbation in Chongqing
 ZHANG Yao, REN Luo, GAO Yu, WANG Lili, LI Hui, YU Yiyi, LUO Zhengxiu, LIU Enmei, XIE Xiaohong
临床儿科杂志 . 2018, (11): 862 - .  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-3606.2018.11.015