中国妇幼保健协会出生缺陷防治与分子遗传分会, 中国医师协会医学遗传医师分会儿童遗传病学组, 国际神经修复学会中国委员会神经遗传发育疾病分会
Multidisciplinary expert consensus on the prevention, screening, diagnosis, counseling and intervention of neural tube defects
Birth Defects Prevention and Molecular Genetics Branch of the China Maternal and Child Health Association, Pediatric Genetics Group of the Medical Genetics Physicians Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Neurogenetic and Developmental Disorders Section of the China Chapter of the International Neurorestoration Society
临床儿科杂志 . 2025, (2): 81 -92 .  DOI: 10.12372/jcp.2025.24e0672