›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (3): 246-249.

• Original Article • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Clinical and immunological features of 45 children with lupus nephritis

 CHENG Xueqin, BAO Huaying, ZHANG Aihua, DING Guixia, ZHAO Fei   

  1. (Department of Nephrology, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210008, Jiangsu, China)
  • Received:2013-09-08 Published:2014-03-15 Online:2014-03-15

Abstract:  Objective To analyze the clinical and immunological features of 45 pediatric patients with lupus nephritis (LN). Methods Forty-five LN patients were included in this study. Clinical, pathological data and immunological parameters were retrospectively analyzed. Results Forty-five LN patients had 6 males and 39 females, with the mean onset age of (10.9 ± 2.8) years. Acute nephritis was the most common type, accounting for 42.2%. Nephrotic syndrome accounted for 31.1%. Renal biopsy showed class II (17.8%), III (4.4%), IV (48.9%), V (2.2%), V+III (6.7%) and V+IV (13.3%) in 42 cases. The remission rate reached 91.1% in the early therapeutic stage, and 15.0% patients recurred after 24-month follow-up. Conclusions The clinical manifestations of LN children are diverse. The renal pathology is complex. The clinical manifestations in part of the children are not consistent with renal pathology.