›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (5): 421-424.

• Original Article • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Magnetic Resonance Imaging evaluation in the diagnosis of pediatric neck masses 

WANG Xiaoxia, ZHONG Yumin Zhou Ying, Xue Lianyan, Shi Meihua, Tang Jingyan    

  1. (Shanghai Children's Medical Center,School of Medicine,Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200127, China)
  • Received:2014-03-17 Published:2014-05-15 Online:2014-05-15

Abstract:  Objective To evaluate pediatric neck masses with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Methods In this retrospective study, 140 children with neck masses underwent MRI were collected from May 2006 to December 2013.Of them 34 cases went through pathological examinations. The results of MRI diagnosis and pathology were compared in 34 cases. Results In 140 children with neck masses diagnosed by MRI, 103 (73.6%) cases were benign lesions, including 62 vascular malformations, 30 hemangiomas, then cysts, hamartoma, infectious lumps etc., 29 (20.7%) were malignant tumors, including 22 lymphomas, 3 rhabdomyosarcomas, 3 Langerhans cell histiocytosis, 1 neuroblastoma, and 8 (5.7%) cases were undetermined masses. Four in 103 cases with benign lesions were performed by pathological examination and all had been confirmed. Tewenty-five in 29 cases with malignant tumors were performed by pathological examination and 22 cases had been confirmed. Conclusion MRI can help to diagnose the pediatric neck masses and to guide the treatment and follow-up.