Journal of Clinical Pediatrics ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (7): 519-525.doi: 10.12372/jcp.2023.22e0686
• Original article • Previous Articles Next Articles
LIU Xiaojing
ZHAO Ling, LIU Xiaojing. Changes of body mass index and its related factors in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus[J].Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, 2023, 41(7): 519-525.
项 目 | 数值 |
确诊时 | |
男[n(%)] | 26(49.1) |
初诊年龄[M(P25~P75)]/岁 | 8.0(5.5~11.0) |
BMI[M(P25~P75)]/kg·m-2 | 14.3(13.1~17.6) |
BMISDS[M(P25~P75)] | -1.1(-1.8~0.6) |
胰岛素剂量(x±s)/IU·kg-1·d-1 | 0.9±0.2 |
FCP[M(P25~P75)]/ng·mL-1 | 0.3(0.1~0.4) |
HbA1c(x±s)/% | 12.8±2.3 |
FT3(x±s)/pmol·L-1 | 3.8±1.0 |
FT4(x±s)/pmol·L-1 | 16.2±3.9 |
TSH[M(P25~P75)]/μIU·mL-1 | 2.2(1.6~3.4) |
GADA阳性[n(%)] | 5(9.4) |
IA-2A阳性[n(%)] | 3(5.7) |
超重及肥胖[n(%)] | 12(22.6) |
末次随访1) | |
年龄[M(P25~P75)]/岁 | 12.0(8.8~13.3) |
中位随访病程[M(P25~P75)]/a | 3.0(1.5~4.0) |
BMI[M(P25~P75)]/kg·m-2 | 17.8(15.8~20.1) |
BMISDS[M(P25~P75)] | 0(-0.6~0.7) |
ΔBMISDS[M(P25~P75)] | 0.8(-0.4~2.0) |
胰岛素剂量[M(P25~P75)]/IU·kg-1·d-1 | 0.8(0.5~1.0) |
FCP[M(P25~P75)]/ng·mL-1 | 0.1(0.0~0.4) |
HbA1c(x±s)/% | 7.1±1.6 |
超重及肥胖[n(%)] | 5(11.9) |
胰岛素给药[n(%)] | |
CSII | 6(14.3) |
MDI | 36(85.7) |
血糖监测[n(%)] | |
CGM | 20(47.6) |
指尖血糖 | 22(52.4) |
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