临床儿科杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (9): 758-767.doi: 10.12372/jcp.2024.24e0817

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张蕴晖1, 史慧静1, 翟晓文2   

  1. 1.复旦大学公共卫生学院 教育部公共卫生重点实验室(上海 200032)
    2.复旦大学附属儿科医院(上海 201102)
  • 收稿日期:2024-08-12 出版日期:2024-09-15 发布日期:2024-09-04
  • 基金资助:

The Shanghai Maternal-Child Pairs Cohort (MCPC) and its application in clinical research

ZHANG Yunhui1, SHI Huijing1, ZHAI Xiaowen2   

  1. 1. School of Public Health, Fudan University, Key Laboratory of Public Health, Ministry of Education, Shanghai 200032, China
    2. Children’s Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai 201102, China
  • Received:2024-08-12 Published:2024-09-15 Online:2024-09-04


心理健康、行为生活方式及环境质量改变是社会经济飞速发展的突出性衍生问题,亟需通过出生队列长期研究,关注物质及社会环境因素对超大城市人群健康的影响,寻找新时期疾病的发病规律和危险因素。“上海亲子队列”采用“社区+产科医院+学校”的全方位精细随访方式,对6 714对母婴进行了孕早-中-晚期、分娩期及子代从出生到6岁期间的13次随访,建成了含标准化问卷、母儿疾病诊断、儿童体格生长、体成分、脊柱弯曲异常、肤纹、握力、身体活动量、认知能力及语言发育水平测试和临床诊疗档案等百万条数据的随访信息数据库;以及包括外周血、脐带血、指尖血、胎粪、胎盘、尿液、粪便、颊黏膜、头发、指甲等17类60万份标本的生物样本库;并形成了21份标准化操作程序操作程序(SOP)文件,对样本采集、冷链运输、分装入库、出库、回库等进行样本库全流程管理和质控。该队列平台不仅为揭示生命早期环境暴露对人群健康影响及多组学研究提供了重要资源支撑,也推动了多学科交叉创新成果。

关键词: 出生队列, 环境暴露, 社会心理, 儿科疾病, 专病队列


The rapid development of socio-economics has led to prominent derivative issues such as changes in psychological health, behavioral lifestyles, and environmental quality, which urgently require long-term cohort studies on birth cohorts. These studies should focus on the impact of material and social environmental factors on the health of people in mega-cities and seek the patterns and risk factors of diseases in the new era. The Shanghai Maternal-Child Pairs Cohort (MCPC) adopts a comprehensive and meticulous follow-up approach that integrates "community + obstetric hospitals + schools," conducting 13 follow-ups on 6714 mother-child pairs from early to mid-pregnancy, the delivery period, and the offspring from birth to six years old. MCPC has established a follow-up information database containing millions of data entries, including standardized questionnaires, maternal and child disease diagnosis, child physical growth, body composition, spinal deformities, fingerprint and palmprint, grip strength, physical activity, cognitive ability, and language development level tests, as well as clinical medical records. Additionally, a biobank has been created with 600000 samples from 17 categories, including peripheral blood, umbilical cord blood, finger prick blood, meconium, placenta, urine, feces, buccal mucosa, hair, and nails. Furthermore, 21 standardized SOP documents have been formulated to manage and control the entire process of the sample bank, from collection to cold chain transportation, storage, retrieval, and return. This cohort platform not only provides crucial support for revealing the impact of early-life environmental exposures on population health and multi-omics research but also promotes interdisciplinary innovation.

Key words: birth cohort, environmental exposure, social psychology, pediatric disease, specific disease cohort