临床儿科杂志 ›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 118-121.

• 呼吸系统疾病专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 苏州大学附属儿童医院呼吸科(江苏苏州  215003)
  • 收稿日期:2013-09-08 出版日期:2014-02-15 发布日期:2014-02-15

A comparison of clinical features between rhinovirus and respiratory syncytial virus infection in lower respiratory tract in children SUN Qiufeng, CHEN Zhengrong, HUANG Li, ZHU Canhong, WANG Yuqing, WANG Meijuan, JI Wei, SHAO Xuejun, YAN Yongdong (Department of Respiratory Medicine, Children's Hospital Affiliated to Soochow University, Suzhou 215003, Jiangsu, China)

  • Received:2013-09-08 Published:2014-02-15 Online:2014-02-15


 目的 比较下呼吸道鼻病毒(HRV)与呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)感染患儿的临床特点。方法 采集2012年12月至2013年5月住院的1 037例下呼吸道感染患儿的鼻咽分泌物,应用直接免疫荧光法检测RSV抗原,RT-PCR法检测HRV RNA,并分析比较HRV及RSV感染患儿的临床特点。结果 HRV及RSV检出阳性率分别为8.78%(91/1 037)和17.16%(178/1 037),其中HRV与其他呼吸道病毒的混合感染率为18.68%,RSV为7.30%,两者差异有统计学意义(χ2=7.87,P=0.005)。HRV与RSV感染患儿的年龄分布差异有统计学意义(Z=5.40,P<0.001),RSV感染在0~1岁患儿中最为常见(83.03%),而HRV感染多见于3岁以下患儿(78.38%);RSV较HRV更易引起喘息、气促、呼吸困难,而HRV患儿有较长的院外病程,两者临床表现差异有统计学意义(P均<0.01)。HRV感染患儿更易出现白细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞及总IgE的升高(P<0.05)。结论 HRV是呼吸道感染的重要病原之一,与RSV的易感人群、临床表现及实验室检查有一定差异。

Abstract:  Objectives To compare the clinical features between rhinovirus and respiratory syncytial virus infection in lower respiratory tract in children. Methods From December 2012 to May 2013, direct immunofluorescence assay was performed to test RSV in 1 037 nasal aspirate specimens with LRTIs. RT-PCR method was used to test HRV RNA. The medical records of patients with a positive test of HRV or RSV were reviewed and compared. Results The isolating rate for HRV and RSV was 8.78% (91/1 037) and 17.16% (178/1 037) respectively. The frequency of co-infection of HRV with other virus was 18.68%, higher than that of RSV (7.30%, χ2 =7.867, P=0.005). The age distribution had significant difference between children infected with HRV and RSV (Z=5.40, P<0.001). 78.38% patients with HRV infection were younger than 3 years old, and 83.03% patients with RSV infection were younger than 1 year old. Dyspnea, hyoxemia and wheezing were more common in patients with RSV infection. Admission occurred much later in the course of the HRV infection (P<0.01). Leukocytosis, eosinophi-lia, and an elevated total serum IgE were more common in patients with HRV infection (P<0.05). Conclusions HRV is one of the important causes of LRTIs in Suzhou. The susceptible population, clinical presentation and laboratory results of HRV infections are different from that of RSV infections.