临床儿科杂志 ›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 532-535.

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反复喘息患儿1 035例随访分析

魏琳, 张玉娥, 金惠娣,单蓓兰,陈洁,虞炯,许梦蓓   

  1. 上海市普陀区利群医院儿科(上海 200333)
  • 收稿日期:2013-09-16 出版日期:2014-06-15 发布日期:2014-06-15

Follow-up study of 1035 children with recurrent wheezing #br#

WEI Lin, ZHANG Yue,JIN Huidi, SAN Beilan, CHEN Jie, YU Jiong, XU Mengbei

  1. (Department of Pediatrics, The Liqun Hospital, Shanghai 200333, China)
  • Received:2013-09-16 Published:2014-06-15 Online:2014-06-15


 目的 探讨反复喘息患儿的转归及吸入激素的治疗效果。方法 回顾性分析1 035例反复喘息患儿4年以上的临床随访资料。结果 1 035例反复喘息患儿中,751例(72.56%)喘息已停止发作,284例(27.44%)近2年内仍有发作。首次喘息发作年龄≤3岁542例(52.37%),~7岁386例(37.29%),~12岁107例(10.34%),不同喘息首发年龄之间临床控制率的差异有统计学意义(χ2=45.27,P<0.001),其中~12岁的临床控制率较低。吸入糖皮质激素持续1年以上的患儿有429例,其中343例(79.95%)哮喘未再发作,而未吸入治疗的606例中仅408例(67.33%)未再发作,两者的临床控制率差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 89.66%的反复喘息儿童哮喘第1次喘息发生在7岁以内,大多数可以临床控制;较长期激素吸入治疗可减少反复喘息患儿发展为成人哮喘的风险。

Abstract:  Objective To investigate the long-term outcome of children with recurrent wheeze and to determine the effectiveness of inhaled hormone therapy. Methods One thousand and thirty-five children with recurrent wheezing were followed up for more than 4 years and the data were retrospectively evaluated. Results Of 1035 cases, 751 (72.56%) patients outgrew their wheeze during the follow-up period, whereas the other 284 (27.44%) patients had recurrence wheeze during the last two years. The age of wheezing onset was < 3 years in 542 (52.37%) cases, from 3 to 7 years in 386 (37.29%) cases, and from 7 to 12 years in 107 (10.34%) cases. There was significant difference in clinical control rate among groups with different wheezing ages onset (χ2=45.27, P<0.001). Children with wheezing age onset from 7 to 12 years had the lowest clinical control rate. Among 1035 wheeze children, 343 (79.95%) children in 429 cases who received inhaled hormone therapy for more than one year outgrew their wheeze. Whereas 408 (67.35%) in 606 cases who did not receive inhaled hormone therapy outgrew their wheeze. There was significant difference of clinical control rate between inhaled group and non-inhaled group (P<0.01). Conclusions The age of wheezing onset is < 7 years in 89.66% of children with recurrent wheeze. Most of them can be clinicalycontrolled. The long term inhaled hoemone therapy for children with recurrent wheeze can reduce the risk of developing adulthood asthma.