临床儿科杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (6): 427-.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-3606.2019.06.007

• 呼吸系统疾病专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 浙江大学医学院附属杭州市第一人民医院儿科(浙江杭州 310006)
  • 出版日期:2019-06-15 发布日期:2019-06-10
  • 通讯作者: 虞燕萍 电子信箱:yyp757602@163.com

Massive hemorrhagic pleural effusion caused by pancreaticopleural fistula in children: a case report and literature review

YU Zhenxi, YU Yanping, HUANG Xianmei   

  1. Department of Pediatrics, Affiliated Hangzhou First People’s Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Hangzhou 310006, Zhejiang, China
  • Published:2019-06-15 Online:2019-06-10

摘要: 目的 探讨儿童胰腺胸膜瘘(PPF)导致大量血性胸腔积液的临床特点及诊治。方法 回顾分析1例PPF导致 右侧大量血性胸腔积液患儿的诊治经过,并检索截至2018年8月的中文数据库及PubMed数据库进行文献复习。结果 8 岁女孩,间断呼吸困难20余天。CT示右侧大量胸腔积液及慢性胰腺炎征象。经对症治疗后胸腔闭式引流管仍持续有血性 液体引出,胸腔积液淀粉酶最高达56 365.7 U/L。经再次影像学检查发现存在PPF,予内镜下行逆行胰胆管造影术(ERCP) 及逆行胰管支架引流术,治疗好转出院。文献检索到中英文文献各6篇,共计18例儿童PPF,多以呼吸困难或胸闷(13例)、 腹痛(10例)为主要表现,除2例未详细报道外其余病例胸腔积液淀粉酶/脂肪酶均升高,分别通过CT、磁共振胰胆管造影、 ERCP、手术探查确诊,经手术、ERCP介入或保守治疗有效。结论 PPF是罕见的儿童胰腺并发症,肺部症状显著,应尽早 进行胸腔积液淀粉酶检测,并积极寻找瘘管,经治疗预后大多良好。

关键词: 胰腺胸膜瘘; 胸腔积液; 儿童

Abstract:  Objective To explore the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of massive hemorrhagic pleural effusion caused by pancreaticopleural fistula (PPF) in children. Method The diagnosis and treatment of a child with massive right-sided hemorrhagic pleural effusion caused by PPF was retrospectively analyzed. The Chinese databases and PubMed databases were searched up to August 2018 for literature review. Results An 8-year-old girl suffered from intermittent dyspnea for more than 20 days. CT showed massive pleural effusion at the right side and signs of chronic pancreatitis. Although symptomatic treatment was given, bloody fluid continued to flow out from the closed chest drainage tube, and the highest amylase in pleural effusion was 56365.7 U/L. PPF was found by second imaging examination. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) and endoscopic retrograde pancreatic drainage were performed and the girl was improved after treatment and discharged. Literature review identified 18 cases of PPF in children from 6 Chinese articles and 6 English articles and main manifestations were dyspnea or chest tightness (13 cases) and abdominal pain (10 cases). Except for 2 patient who was not clearly reported, amylase/lipase in pleural effusion was increased in other patients who were confirmed by CT, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography, ERCP and surgical exploration respectively. Surgery, ERCP intervention or conservative treatments were effective. Conclusions PPF is a rare pancreatic complication in children and has significant pulmonary symptoms. Pleural effusion amylase detection should be carried out as soon as possible, and fistula should be actively sought. After treatment, the prognosis is mostly good.

Key words: pancreaticopleural fistula; pleural effusion; child