临床儿科杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (9): 649-.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-3606.2019.09.003

• 新生儿疾病专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇

双胎贫血-红细胞增多序列征新生儿喂养不耐受3 例总结


  1. 复旦大学附属妇产科医院新生儿科(上海 200011)
  • 发布日期:2020-01-16
  • 通讯作者: 汪吉梅 电子信箱:wjm8219@163.com

Feeding intolerance in twin anemia-polycythemia sequence in 3 newborns

HU Jing, WANG Jimei   

  1. Department of Neonatology, Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai 200011, China
  • Online:2020-01-16

摘要:  目的 探讨双胎贫血-红细胞增多序列征新生儿喂养情况。方法 回顾分析3例喂养不耐受的双胎贫血- 红细胞增多序列征新生儿的临床资料。结果 3例生后确诊为双胎贫血-红细胞增多序列征的单绒毛膜双胎早产的供血 儿,在喂养过程中都出现了喂养不耐受的临床表现,而3例受血儿的喂养过程顺利。结论 单绒毛膜双胎妊娠,若存在宫 内慢性双胎输血,产后需密切关注新生儿的喂养问题,尤其双胎供血儿。

关键词: 双胎贫血-红细胞增多序列征; 双胎输血; 喂养不耐受; 新生儿

Abstract: Objective To explore the feeding status in newborns with twin anemia-polycythemia sequence (TAPS). Methods The clinical data of TAPS with feeding intolerance in 3 newborns were retrospectively analyzed. Results In 3 preterm monochorionic twins who were diagnosed with TAPS after birth, feeding intolerance occurred during the feeding process in three donors, and the feeding process was smooth in 3 recipients. Conclusion If there is chronic intrauterine twin-twin transfusion in the monochorionic twins, postpartum neonatal feeding intolerance should be closely watched, especially in the donor twins.

Key words:  twin anemia-polycythemia sequence; twin-twin transfusion; feeding intolerance; neonate