临床儿科杂志 ›› 2015, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (8): 726-.doi: 10.3969 j.issn.1000-3606.2015.08.011

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  1. 1. 三亚市妇幼保健院儿科和检验科( 海南三亚 572000);2. 海南省农垦总医院儿科( 海南海口 570311)
  • 收稿日期:2015-08-15 出版日期:2015-08-15 发布日期:2015-08-15
  • 通讯作者: 霍开明 E-mail:18789909188@139.com

Screening and genetic diagnosis of childhood thalassemia in Sanya city 

CHEN Aihua1, CHEN Chuihai1, CHEN Qiuzhu1, ZHOU Xiangmin1, CHEN Chuiwan1, CHEN Chuiren1, HUO Kaiming2   

  1. 1. Department of Pediatrics and Laboratory,Sanya Maternity and Child Health Hospital, Haikou 572000, Hainan China; 2. Hainan Agricultural Reclamation General Hospital of Pediatrics, Haikou 570311, Hainan China
  • Received:2015-08-15 Published:2015-08-15 Online:2015-08-15

摘要: 目的 调查三亚市儿童地中海贫血的发病率和基因突变类型。方法 对938例儿童进行血常规、CRP检测和血红蛋白电泳试验,筛查地中海贫血发生情况及其所属类型;对α-地中海贫血患儿用gap-PCR法、β-地中海贫血患儿用PCR-RDB法进行基因诊断。结果 地中海贫血筛查阳性率为13.65%(128/938),基因诊断阳性率为11.41%(107/938)。在107例经基因诊断确诊为地中海贫血的患儿中,α-地中海贫血59例,β-地中海贫血46例,α合并β地中海贫血2例。59例α-地中海贫血患儿中,-SEA/αα型31例,-α4.2/αα型13例,HbH病为6例;46例β-地中海贫血患儿中共检出6个基因位点发生突变,突变频率依次为CD41-42(-CTTT)21例,TATAbox-28(A→G)13例,CDs14/15(+G)5例,IVS-Int 654(C→T)4例,CD17(A→T)2例,27-28(+C)1例。结论 三亚市儿童地中海贫血发病率较高,开展遗传咨询、婚前检查及产前诊断等对优生优育十分必要。

Abstract:  Objective To investigate the incidence and gene mutation spectrum of childhood thalassemia in Sanya city. Methods There were 938 children in our hospital screened by routine blood test, C-reactive protein test and hemoglobinelectrophoresis. Based on the screening results in children with thalassemia and its subtypes, the alpha thalassaemia children were diagnosed by gap - polymerase chain reaction, while the beta thalassaemia ones were diagnosed by polymerase chain reaction-reverse dot blot, and all the results were retrospectively analyzed. Results Screening positive rate of thalassemia anemia was 13.65% (128/938), genetic diagnosis positive rate was 11.41% (107/938). In 107 cases diagnosed with thalassemia by genetic test, 59 were alpha thalassaemia, and 46 were beta thalassaemia, and 2 cases were alpha thalassaemia combined with beta thalassaemia. In 59 cases of alpha thalassaemia, 31 had genotype of - SEA/alpha alpha , 13 cases with genotype alpha 4.2 / alpha alpha, and 6 were of HbH disease. In the 46 cases of beta thalassaemia children, six gene locus mutations were found : CD41-42 (CTTT) in 21 cases, TATAbox - 28 (A - G) in 13 cases, CDs14/15 (G) in 5 cases, IVS - Int 654 (C - > T) in 4 cases, CD17 (A - > T) in 2 cases, and 27-28 (C) in 1 case. Conclusion High prevalence of thalassemia in children from Sanya city warrants genetic counseling, premarital check-up and prenatal diagnosis.