临床儿科杂志 ›› 2015, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (2): 141-.doi: 10.3969 j.issn.1000-3606.2015.02.010

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出生后24 h 凝血功能异常新生儿临床表现及影响因素分析


  1. 温州市中西医结合医院市儿童医院( 浙江温州 325000)
  • 收稿日期:2015-02-15 出版日期:2015-02-15 发布日期:2015-02-15

Clinical features and influencing factors in neonatal coagulant function abnormality in the first 24 hours after birth

Han Hongwei,Ding Sheng,Chen Hong   

  1. Integrative Medicine Hospital,Wenzhou City Children’s Hospital, Wenzhou 325000, Zhejiang, China
  • Received:2015-02-15 Published:2015-02-15 Online:2015-02-15

摘要: 目的 分析出生后24 h凝血功能异常新生儿的临床表现及影响因素。方法 收集169例住院新生儿的凝血功能检查结果及临床资料,其中符合接受抗凝治疗的患儿共76例,另93例新生儿作为对照,分析凝血功能异常组与对照组凝血功能的差异,并分析凝血障碍相关危险因素。结果 凝血功能异常组的宫内窘迫、肺炎、酸中毒及低体温的比例均高于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(χ2=6.18~38.01,P<0.05)。多元logistic回归分析显示,宫内窘迫(OR=12.06,95%CI:3.71~39.25)、肺炎(OR=4.10,95%CI:1.43~11.74)为新生儿凝血功能异常发生的独立危险因素(P均<0.05)。结论 宫内窘迫、肺炎是新生儿凝血功能异常的危险因素,提前预防有助于减少新生儿出血性疾病的发生。

Abstract:  Objective To investigate the clinical manifestations and influencing factors in the newborns with coagulant function abnormality in the first 24 hours after birth. Methods The coagulation test results and clinical data of 169 newborns in our hospital were studied. Children receiving anticoagulant therapy were assigned as coagulation abnormalities group (n=76) and other healthy newborns were assigned as control group (n=93). The differences of coagulation function between the two groups were analyzed and the influencing factors of coagulation abnormalities were explored. Results The proportions of fetal distress, pneumonia, acidosis and hypothermia of coagulation abnormalities group were significantly higher than that of the control group (χ2= 6.18–38.01, P<0.05). Logistic regression analysis showed that fetal distress (OR=12.06, 95%CI: 3.71–39.25), pneumonia (OR=4.10, 95%CI: 1.43–11.74) were the high risk factors for coagulant function abnormality, and the differences were statistically significant (both P<0.05). Conclusions Fetal distress, pneumonia were the high risk factors for coagulant function abnormality. Early prevention can help to reduce the incidence of neonatal hemorrhagic disease.