Journal of Clinical Pediatrics ›› 2022, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (9): 679-684.doi: 10.12372/jcp.2022.21e1476
• Neonatal Disease • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZENG Xiaoliang, MIN Qing(), WU Shuyuan
MIN Qing
ZENG Xiaoliang, MIN Qing, WU Shuyuan. Correlation analysis of amplitude-integrated electroencephalogram follow-up indicators and neurological prognosis of very low birth weight infants[J].Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, 2022, 40(9): 679-684.
项 目 | 异常组(n=71) | 正常组(n=153) | 统计量 | P |
胎龄(x±s)/周 | 30.24±1.37 | 29.91±1.54 | t=1.54 | 0.124 |
体重(x±s)/g | 1 371.65±116.28 | 1 364.32±120.89 | t=0.43 | 0.670 |
男性[n(%)] | 37(52.1) | 88(57.5) | χ2=0.57 | 0.449 |
剖宫产[n(%)] | 29(40.9) | 49(32.0) | χ2=1.66 | 0.197 |
胎膜早破[n(%)] | 21(29.6) | 54(35.3) | χ2=0.71 | 0.399 |
妊娠期糖尿病[n(%)] | 44(62.0) | 102(66.7) | χ2=0.47 | 0.493 |
机械通气[n(%)] | 48(67.6) | 96(62.8) | χ2=0.50 | 0.480 |
组 别 | Co评分 | LB评分 | Cy评分 | B评分 | T评分 |
出生1周内 | |||||
异常组(n=71) | 0.95±0.26 | 1.01±0.24 | 1.27±0.35 | 1.39±0.42 | 4.62±1.07 |
正常组(n=153) | 0.97±0.30 | 1.02±0.20 | 1.46±0.39 | 1.45±0.27 | 4.94±1.12 |
t值 | 0.484 | 0.326 | 2.949 | 1.286 | 2.018 |
P | 0.629 | 0.745 | 0.004 | 0.200 | 0.045 |
矫正胎龄3月龄 | |||||
异常组(n=71) | 0.97±0.26 | 1.02±0.26 | 1.31±0.47 | 1.43±0.46 | 4.75±1.18 |
正常组(n=153) | 1.06±0.34 | 1.04±0.23 | 1.58±0.56 | 1.52±0.38 | 5.20±1.24 |
t值 | 1.98 | 0.58 | 3.53 | 1.54 | 2.57 |
P | 0.049 | 0.562 | 0.001 | 0.125 | 0.011 |
矫正胎龄6月龄 | |||||
异常组(n=71) | 1.05±0.38 | 1.13±0.34 | 1.87±0.62 | 1.72±0.31 | 5.77±1.94 |
正常组(n=153) | 1.19±0.44 | 1.21±0.30 | 2.39±0.85 | 1.79±0.44 | 6.71±2.13 |
t值 | 2.31 | 1.78 | 4.61 | 1.21 | 3.16 |
P | 0.022 | 0.077 | <0.001 | 0.228 | 0.002 |
矫正胎龄12月龄 | |||||
异常组(n=71) | 1.22±0.42 | 1.24±0.32 | 2.04±0.64 | 2.13±0.56 | 6.68±2.46 |
正常组(n=153) | 1.42±0.54 | 1.42±0.49 | 3.12±1.18 | 2.59±0.88 | 8.35±2.91 |
t值 | 2.76 | 2.83 | 7.23 | 4.04 | 4.19 |
P | 0.006 | 0.005 | <0.001 | <0.001 | <0.001 |
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