›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (4): 349-351.

• Original Article • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Clinical analysis of 32 children with high altitude heart disease in Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau 

YANG Xiaodong1, XU Aili2, CIREN Bamu2    

  1. (1.Department of Cardiology, Children's Hospital of Shanghai, Shanghai 200040, China; 2.Department of Pediatrics, Xigaze People's Hospital, Xigaze 857000, Tibet, China)
  • Received:2013-11-29 Published:2014-04-15 Online:2014-04-15

Abstract:  Objective To investigate the clinical characteristic and therapeutic experience of high altitude heart disease in children. Methods The clinical data of 32 children with high altitude heart disease were retrospectively analyzed who lived in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (3000 meters above the sea level). Results Among 32 children, 18 were males and 14 were females. All children were less than 3 years old except one. Thirty children were complicated by respiratory tract infection, 2 by diarrhea and 15 by heart failure. Conventional treatments of continuous low flow oxygen, anti-pulmonary hypertension, anti-infection and supportive therapy were generally performed. If children were complicated by heart failure, cardiotonic and diuretic therapy were applied based on conventional treatments. After treatment, 30 children were improved; one child left hospital before the completion of treatment; one died of severe pneumonia with severe heart failure. Conclusions The pediatric high altitude heart disease is one of the most common diseases in high altitude area. Early diagnosis, timely and effective treatment is helpful for reducing the case fatality rate.