临床儿科杂志 ›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 156-159.

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罗苇, 冯仕品, 王莉, 谢敏, 张伟, 李莎   

  1. 成都市妇女儿童中心医院肾内科(四川成都 610091)
  • 收稿日期:2014-02-15 出版日期:2014-02-15 发布日期:2014-02-15

Clinical and pathological characteristics of childhood Henoch-Sch?nlein purpura nephritis with proteinuria 

LUO Wei, FENG Shipin, WANG Li, XIE Min, ZHANG Wei, LI Sha   

  1.  (Department of Nephrology, Chengdu Women's & Children's Central Hospital, Chengdu 610091, Sichuan, China)
  • Received:2014-02-15 Published:2014-02-15 Online:2014-02-15


 目的 探讨临床以蛋白尿为表现的儿童紫癜性肾炎(HSPN)的肾脏病理和临床特点。方法 回顾性分析180例临床以蛋白尿为表现的HSPN患儿的临床和病理资料,并根据24 h尿蛋白定量进行分组比较。 结果 临床分型中以中度蛋白尿型最多(57例,31.7%),其次是大量蛋白尿型(51例,28.3%)、轻度蛋白尿型(46例,25.6%)和微量蛋白尿型(26例,14.4%);根据国际儿童肾脏病研究协会(ISKDC)标准,病理分级以II级(92例,51.1%)和III级(73 例,40.6%)最多。中度蛋白尿型的病理分级以II级(31例,54.4%)多见,大量蛋白尿型的病理分级以III级(33例,64.7%)多见。随着蛋白尿严重程度的增加,病理分级呈递增趋势,差异有统计学意义(χ2=39.54,P=0.002)。免疫病理分型以IgA+IgM沉积型多见(84例,46.7%),IgA+IgM+IgG沉积型次之(55例,30.6%)。免疫病理分型与病理分级及临床分型无相关性(P>0.05)。 结论 以蛋白尿为表现的HSPN患儿临床表现为大量蛋白尿者病理改变相对较重,但临床症状与病理损伤程度不完全一致。

Abstract: Objectives To explore the clinical features and pathological types of childhood Henoch- Sch?nlein purpura nephritis (HSPN)with proteinuria. Methods Clinical and pathological data of 180 children with HSPN presenting with proteinuria were retrospectively analyzed in groups according to 24-hour urinary protein levels. Results The moderate proteinuria (57 cases, 31.7%) was the most common clinical type, followed by high-grade proteinuria (51 cases, 28.3%), mild proteinuria (46 cases, 25.6%) and microalbuminuria (26 cases, 14.4%). According to the International Study of Kidney Disease of Children , the major pathological type of HSPN are grade II (92 cases, 51.1%) and grade III (73 cases, 40.6%). The main pathological changes of moderate proteinuria were grade II (31 cases, 54.4%), and the main pathological changes of high-grade proteinuria were grade III (33 case, 64.7%). The pathological grade was progressively increased along with severity of proteinuria. The difference was statistically significant (χ2=39.54, P=0.002). The main immunopathological type was IgA+IgM (84 cases, 46.7%), followed by IgA+IgM+IgG (55 cases, 30.6%). No correlation was found among immunopathological typing, pathological typing and clinical typing (P>0.05). Conclusions The HSPN children with massive proteinuria show more severe pathological changes, but the severity of clinical symptoms is not completely consistent with the pathological damages.