临床儿科杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (3): 229-234.doi: 10.12372/jcp.2023.22e0943
阮雪华 综述, 孙晶, 孙锟 审校
Reviewer: RUAN Xuehua, Reviser: SUN Jing, SUN Kun
阮雪华, 孙晶, 孙锟. 环境相关因素与先天性心脏病研究进展[J]. 临床儿科杂志, 2023, 41(3): 229-234.
RUAN Xuehua, SUN Jing, SUN Kun. Research progress on environmental factors and congenital heart disease[J]. Journal of Clinical Pediatrics, 2023, 41(3): 229-234.
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