临床儿科杂志 ›› 2018, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (7): 537-.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-3606.2018.07.015

• 罕见病 疑难病 • 上一篇    下一篇

进行性假性类风湿性发育不良症 5 例临床和 新型 WISP3 基因突变分析#br#

茅幼英 1, 周纬 1, 金燕樑 1, 王剑 3, 沈永年 2, 周云芳 2, 顾龙君 2, 应大明 2, 殷蕾 1, 2   

  1. 上海交通大学医学院附属上海儿童医学中心1.肾脏风湿科,2.罕见病诊治中心, 3.遗传代谢科(上海 200127)
  • 收稿日期:2018-07-15 出版日期:2018-07-15 发布日期:2018-07-15
  • 通讯作者: 殷蕾  E-mail:yinlei@scmc.com.cn

Clinical diagnosis of progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia in 5 cases and a report of novel WISP3 gene mutation

 MAO Youying1, ZHOU Wei1, JIN Yanliang1, WANG Jian3, SHEN Yongnian2, ZHOU Yunfang2, GU Longjun2, YING Daming 2, YIN Lei1,2   

  1. 1. Nephrology and Rheumatology Department, 2. Diagnosis and Treatment Center of Rare Diseases, 3. Department of Medical Genetics and Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory, Shanghai Children’s Medical Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai  200127, China
  • Received:2018-07-15 Published:2018-07-15 Online:2018-07-15

摘要: 目的 探讨进行性假性类风湿性发育不良症(PPRD)的早期诊断。方法 回顾5例确诊PPRD患儿的临床资 料以及基因检测结果。结果 5例患儿中男1例、女4例,发病年龄3~5岁,确诊时年龄8~12岁。均存在手指指间关节增大, 1例走路时步态异常, 4例存在跛行,病程中均有关节疼痛和活动受限。 5例患儿炎症指标均正常。 X线检查示5例患儿均出 现手指关节干骺端膨大,骨密度降低;脊柱椎体前端变尖变扁,部分椎间隙变窄, 1例椎体呈子弹头样改变。 5例患儿均存 在WISP3基因突变, 1例为c.397_404del CAAGTGTT(纯合);2例为NM_19829.1:c.700T>C,p.Trp234Arg(母亲杂合), NM_19829.1:c.1054T>C,p.Ser352Pro(父亲杂合)复合杂合突变;另2例为c.589+2T>C(母亲杂合),c.667T>G,p.Cys223Gly (父亲杂合)复合杂合突变。除c.667T>G和c.589+2T>C外,余3个为未报道的新突变位点。结论 PPRD的临床特点为多 关节的非炎症性膨大和运动障碍;放射学特征性改变为关节骨骺端增大、发育异常和椎体变尖变扁;在临床特点和放射 学典型改变基础上,结合WISP3基因检测可以明确诊断。该研究发现了3种新的WISP3基因突变位点。

Abstract: Objective To explore the early diagnosis of progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia (PPRD). Method The clinical data and gene detection results of PPRD in 5 children were reviewed. Results In 5 children (1 boy, 4 girls), the age at onset was 3~5 years and at the time of diagnosis was 8~12 years. All of them suffered from interphalangeal joint enlargement. One had gait abnormality and 4 had claudication. All patients had joint pain and limited activity during the course of the disease. However, the inflammatory markers were all normal in 5 patients. The X-ray examination showed the metaphysis of the finger joint was swollen and the bone density was reduced. The anterior segment of the spine became flattened and the part of the intervertebral space was narrowed. In one case, the vertebral body presented a warhead-like change. All of the five cases had WISP3 gene mutation. One case had homozygous mutation of c.397_404del CAAGTGTT, 2 cases had complex heterozygous mutations (NM_19829.1:c.700T>C, p.Trp234Arg from mother; NM_19829.1:c.1054T>C, p.Ser352Pro from father), and another 2 cases had complex heterozygosity mutations (c.589+2T>C from mother, c.667T>G; p.Cys223Gly from father). Except for c.667T>G and c.589+2T>C, the remaining 3 were unreported new mutations. Conclusion The clinical features of PPRD are non-inflammatory expansion of multiple joints and dyskinesia. The radiological features included enlargement of articular epiphysis, abnormal development and progressive platyspondyly. Based on clinical characteristics and typical changes of radiology, combined with WISP3 gene detection, definite diagnosis can be made. The study also identified 3 new mutations in the WISP3 gene.