临床儿科杂志 ›› 2019, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (9): 669-.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-3606.2019.09.008

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DEPDC5 基因突变相关婴儿痉挛症3 例报告及文献复习


  1. 华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院儿科(湖北武汉 430000)
  • 发布日期:2020-01-16
  • 通讯作者: 刘艳 电子信箱:lyan3022@163.com

infantile spasm associated with DEPDC5 gene mutation: case report of 3 infants and literature review

CHEN Liqing, LIU Yan   

  1. Pediatrics of Tongji Hospital of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430000, Hubei, China)
  • Online:2020-01-16

摘要:  目的 探讨DEPDC5基因突变相关婴儿痉挛症的临床表现特点。方法 回顾分析2016年10月至2018年5 月收治的3例DEPDC5基因突变相关婴儿痉挛症患儿的临床资料。结果 2例女性患儿,分别于1月龄、 4月龄起病;另1 例男性患儿, 1月龄起病。 2例女性患儿DEPDC5基因c.3092C>A(p.Pro1031His)、c.20A>G(p.Tyr7Cys),均为杂合突变, 不全外显;另1例男性为c.280-1 G > A,splicing为新发突变。 3例患儿的头颅磁共振成像均正常,男性患儿的PET-CT示 左颞区皮质发育不良。 2例女性患儿经抗癫痫药联合激素治疗,发作控制。男性患儿抗癫痫药及激素控制不良,经外科手 术治疗后癫痫发作控制。结论 DEPDC5基因可能是婴儿痉挛症的致病基因,且有一定的基因型-表型相关性。氨己烯 酸对于DEPDC5突变相关婴儿痉挛症具有一定疗效。对于DEPDC5基因突变所致的难治性局灶性癫痫患者,可考虑外 科手术治疗。

关键词: 痉挛症; DEPDC5基因; 婴儿

Abstract: Objective To explore the clinical features of infantile spasm associated with DEPDC5 gene mutation. Method The clinical data of infantile spasm associated with DEPDC5 gene mutation in 3 infants from October 2016 to May 2018 were retrospective analyzed. Results In 2 girls the age at onset was 1 month and at 4 months respectively. In 1 boy the age at onset was one month. The c.3092C > A (p.Pro1031His) and c.20A > G (p.Tyr7Cys) of DEPDC5 gene were found in 2 girls, and they were heterozygous mutations and not completely extraneous. The c.280-1G > A, splicing, , was found to be a new mutation in the boy. Cranial magnetic resonance imaging was normal in all 3 patients, but PET-CT showed cortical dysplasia in the left temporal region in the boy. The seizures were controlled by the antiepileptic drugs combined with hormone therapy in 2 girls, while the antiepileptic drugs and hormone therapy were not effective in the boy and the seizures were controlled after surgical treatment. Conclusions DEPDC5 gene may be the pathogenic gene of infantile spasm, and it has a certain genotype-phenotype correlation. Aminohexenoic acid has a certain therapeutic effect on DEPDC5 mutation-related infantile spasm. Surgical treatment should be considered for patients with refractory focal epilepsy caused by mutation of DEPDC5 gene.

Key words: spasm; DEPDC5 gene; infant