临床儿科杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (8): 613-617.doi: 10.12372/jcp.2023.22e1597

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唐雅楠, 叶贤涛, 顾学范, 余永国, 肖冰, 孙昱()   

  1. 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院 上海市儿科医学研究所内分泌遗传代谢科(上海 200092)
  • 收稿日期:2022-11-29 出版日期:2023-08-15 发布日期:2023-08-10
  • 通讯作者: 孙昱 E-mail:sunyu@xinhuamed.com.cn
  • 基金资助:

Clinical characteristics and genetic analysis in Chinese patients with Menke-Hennekam syndrome

TANG Yanan, YE Xiantao, GU Xuefan, YU Yongguo, XIAO Bing, SUN Yu()   

  1. Pediatric Endocrinology and Genetic, Shanghai Institute for Pediatric Research, Xinhua Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Shanghai 200092, China
  • Received:2022-11-29 Published:2023-08-15 Online:2023-08-10
  • Contact: SUN Yu E-mail:sunyu@xinhuamed.com.cn


目的 探讨CREBBP基因变异所致Menke-Hennekam综合征(MKHK)的临床特征及基因变异特点。方法 回顾性总结7例中国MKHK患儿临床特征及基因测序结果。结果 7例患儿均有精神发育迟缓、语言及运动发育落后、身材矮小,特殊面容表现为上斜眼睑、内眦距宽、塌鼻梁、短鼻、长人中、招风耳、低耳位、小下颌,2例伴喂养问题,4例伴视力障碍,3例伴听力障碍,3例伴脑发育异常,2例合并手/脚部异常体征。7例患儿携带CREBBP基因的致病/可能致病变异,均位于外显子30和31,共6个不同变异,涉及2种类型基因变异(5个为错义变异、1个为不影响阅读框的插入缺失),全为新发,其中c.5218C>T、c.5225T>A(NM_004380.3)变异尚未有文献报道。结论 MKHK是一种罕见的常染色体显性遗传病,大多由CREBBP基因第30或31位外显子杂合错义变异引起。文章报道了CREBBP基因的6个变异,进一步扩大了MKHK的基因变异谱。

关键词: Menke-Hennekam 综合征, Rubinstein-Taybi综合征, 智力障碍, 发育迟缓, CREBBP基因, 基因变异


ObjectiveTo explore the clinical phenotype and identify genetic variations in Chinese patients with Menke-Hennekam syndrome (MKHK). Methods The clinical and genetic data of seven children with MKHK were retrospectively analyzed. Results All of the seven children are presented with psychomotor developmental delay, variable degree of intellectual disability, short stature, and facial dysmorphism (including short and upslanted palpebral fissures, telecanthi, depressed nasal bridge, short nose, long philtrum, protruding or low-set ears and micrognathia), accompanied by other manifestations (2/7 feeding problems, 4/7 visual impairment, 3/7 hearing impairment, 3/7 cerebral anomaly, 2/7 distal limb malformation). The genetic findings of patientsinvolve six different variants: five missense and one in-frame deletion), all of which arose de novo. c.5218C>T and c.5225T>A (NM_004380.3) variants have not been reported previously in literature. Conclusion MKHK is a rare autosomal dominant genetic disease, most of which are caused by heterozygous missense variation in the end of exon 30 and the beginning of exon 31 of CREBBP. This study revealed six de novo variants of CREBBP, further expanding the genetic spectrum of MKHK.

Key words: Menke-Hennekam syndrome, Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome, intellectual disability, developmental delay, CREBBP gene, genetic variation