临床儿科杂志 ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (5): 370-375.doi: 10.12372/jcp.2023.22e0128

• 呼吸系统疾病专栏 • 上一篇    下一篇


代方方, 杨娟, 刘奉琴, 郭春艳, 陈星()   

  1. 山东第一医科大学附属省立医院小儿呼吸科(山东济南 250021)
  • 收稿日期:2022-01-20 出版日期:2023-05-15 发布日期:2023-05-10
  • 通讯作者: 陈星 E-mail:chen_xing9999@163.com

Household questionnaire survey on the prevalence and influencing factors of chronic cough in children in Shandong Province

DAI Fangfang, YANG Juan, LIU Fengqin, GUO Chunyan, CHEN Xing()   

  1. Department of Pediatric Respiratory, Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong First Medical University, Jinan 250021, Shandong, China
  • Received:2022-01-20 Published:2023-05-15 Online:2023-05-10
  • Contact: CHEN Xing E-mail:chen_xing9999@163.com


目的 明确山东省儿童慢性咳嗽患病率及相关影响因素。方法 采用自行设计的问卷,对山东省各地市0~14岁人群进行横断面调查,由参与调查者在手机或电脑终端完成问卷调查并提交。结果 研究人群10 186名,男童5 480名,女童4 706名,由家长完成问卷调查。其中829例儿童既往有慢性咳嗽病史,占8.1%,咳嗽持续时间4~8周者697例(84.1%)。家长认为慢性咳嗽的自身因素中儿童存在过敏性疾病占主导地位(83.4%),相关的呼吸道疾病因素包括上呼吸道感染(90.8%)、气管-支气管炎(87.5%)、支气管肺炎(70.5%)、支气管哮喘(62.9%)。周围环境因素中气候变化影响最为明显(91.6%)。608例(73.3%)患儿在咳嗽1周内就诊。就诊过程中分别有89.1%和56.3%的患儿曾行血常规及胸片检查。对于治疗方式的选择,家长对中药的接受度普遍较高,接受中医或中西医结合治疗的有647例(78.0%),以西药为主的仅173例(20.9%)。治疗药物选择抗生素及激素大多遵从医嘱,分别为661例和622例,743例(89.6%)家长可接受激素治疗。慢性咳嗽对患儿及家长造成严重心理影响的分别占22.2%及67.3%。结论 山东省慢性咳嗽患病率较高,影响因素多样,辅助检查仍有待进一步普及。慢性咳嗽对患儿及家长均造成不同程度心理影响。

关键词: 慢性咳嗽, 患病率, 影响因素, 儿童


Objective To clarify the prevalence of chronic cough in children and related influencing factors in Shandong province. Methods A self-designed questionnaire was used to conduct a cross-sectional survey of people aged 0-14 years in various cities in Shandong Province, which was completed and submitted by the participants on mobile phones or computer terminals. Results A total of 10186 children were surveyed, including 5480 boys and 4706 girls, with the questionnaire completed by parents. Among them, 829 children (8.1%) had a previous history of chronic cough, of which 697(84.1%) had a cough lasting an average of 4-8 weeks. Parents identified the presence of allergic diseases as the dominant factor for chronic cough in children (83.4%). Associated respiratory disease factors included upper respiratory tract infections (90.8%), trachea-bronchitis (87.5%), bronchopneumonia (70.5%) and bronchial asthma (62.9%). The influence of climate change in the surrounding environment was most evident (91.6%). 608 children (73.3%) sought medical attention within one week of coughing. Routine blood tests and chest radiographs were performed in 89.1% and 56.3% of the children respectively during the consultation. Parents were generally more receptive to Chinese herbal medicine in their choice of treatment, with 647 cases (78.0%) receiving Chinese medicine or a combination of Chinese and Western medicine, and only 173 cases (20.9%) receiving mainly Western medicine. Antibiotics and hormones were mostly used in accordance with medical advice, with 661 and 622 cases respectively, and 89.6% of parents accepting hormone therapy. The proportion of severe psychological impact on children and parents was 22.2% and 67.3%, respectively. Conclusions The prevalence of chronic cough in Shandong province is high, with diverse influencing factors, and auxiliary examination needs to be further popularized. Chronic cough has varying degrees of psychological impact on both children and their families.

Key words: chronic cough, prevalence, influence factor, child