临床儿科杂志 ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (6): 520-525.doi: 10.12372/jcp.2024.23e1250

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汪漫, 李禄全, 李晓文()   

  1. 重庆医科大学附属儿童医院新生儿诊治中心 国家儿童健康与疾病临床医学研究中心儿童发育疾病研究教育部重点实验室 儿童感染与免疫罕见病科学重庆市重点实验室(重庆 400014)
  • 收稿日期:2023-12-27 出版日期:2024-06-15 发布日期:2024-06-07
  • 通讯作者: 李晓文 电子信箱:lxw1015@163.com E-mail:lxw1015@163.com

Analysis of risk factors for early-onset sepsis associated acute kidney injury in neonates

WANG Man, LI Luquan, LI Xiaowen()   

  1. Neonatal Diagnosis and Treatment Center of Children’s Hospital of Chongqing Medical University, National Clinical Research Center for Child Health and Disorders, Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Child Development and Disorders, Chongqing Key Laboratory of Child Rare Diseases in Infection and Immunity, Chongqing 400014, China
  • Received:2023-12-27 Published:2024-06-15 Online:2024-06-07


目的 分析新生儿早发型败血症(EOS)临床资料,探索影响新生儿早发型败血症并发急性肾损伤(AKI)的危险因素。方法 通过回顾分析2018年1月至2022年4月于新生儿科病房住院的EOS患儿的临床资料,将满足新生儿改良KDIGO AKI诊断标准的患儿设为AKI组,按照1∶2配对,纳入不合并AKI患儿设为NAKI组,比较临床资料,调查分析影响新生儿早发型败血症并发急性肾损伤(ESA-AKI)的危险因素。结果 研究期间共纳入AKI组70例,NAKI组140例。单因素条件logstic回归分析发现,入院日龄大、母孕期高血压、窒息、入院时血尿素氮和肌酐水平高,合并中重度贫血、肺出血、动脉导管未闭、感染性休克,小剂量多巴胺、美罗培南暴露以及手术是AKI发病的危险因素,AKI组死亡或放弃治疗率高(P<0.05)。结论 在早发型败血症群体中,对于入院日龄大、窒息、母孕期高血压,入院时血尿素氮和肌酐水平高,合并中重度贫血、肺出血、动脉导管未闭和感染性休克,使用多巴胺和美罗培南以及手术的EOS患儿,需警惕入院后AKI发生。

关键词: 急性肾损伤, 早发型败血症, 危险因素, 新生儿


Objective The clinical data of neonates with early-onset sepsis (EOS) were analyzed in order to explore the risk factors affecting neonatal early-onset sepsis associated acute kidney injury (AKI). Methods The clinical data of EOS neonates hospitalized in the neonatal ward from January 2018 to April 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. The neonates meeting the revised KDIGO AKI diagnostic criteria were assigned to AKI group, and the neonates without AKI were assigned to NAKI group according to 1:2 matching method. The clinical data between the two groups were compared to analyze the risk factors of neonatal early-onset sepsis complicated with acute kidney injury (ESA-AKI). Results A total of 70 neonates in the AKI group and 140 in the NAKI group were included in the study. A univariate conditional logistic regression analysis revealed that older admission age, maternal hypertension during pregnancy, asphyxia, high levels of serum urea nitrogen and creatinine at admission, coexisting with moderate to severe anemia, pulmonary hemorrhage, patent ductus arteriosus, septic shock, exposure to small doses of dopamine and meropenem, and surgery were risk factors for the development of AKI. The AKI group had a higher rate of death or abandonment (P<0.05). Conclusions AKI should be closely monitored in the group of neonates with EOS who were treated with dopamine, meropenem, and surgery and who had higher admission ages, asphyxia, maternal hypertension during pregnancy, high serum urea nitrogen and creatinine levels at admission, complicated by moderate to severe anemia, pulmonary hemorrhage, patent ductus arteriosus, and septic shock.

Key words: acute kidney injury, early-onset sepsis, risk factor, neonate